Santiniketan residency is ranked among the best properties, located 500m from visvabharati.
Sunderbans mangrove forest, the world's largest such forest, lies on the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers on the Bay of Bengal,this forest 10,200 sq km of Mangrove forest, spread over 4200 sq km reserve forest in India and 6000 sq km reserve forest in Bangladesh.Besides that in Sundarban region of India another 5400 sq km of non-forest inhabitat region are there in the north-western fringe of mangrove forest.

In the year 1973, Government of India (GOI) declared the core area of Sundarban Tiger reserve and wild life sanctuary in 1977. On May 4, 1984 it was declared a National Park. It was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1987 as a natural property under category (ix) and (x). In the year 1989, Government of India (GOI) constituted Sundarban Biosphere Reserve and in the year 2001 (November) received the recognition of UNESCO under its Man and Biosphere (MAB) programe.
Very high humidity (80% on avarage) experiances due to its proximity of Bay of Bengal. Here monsoon last from mid June to end September and during this time rainfall is quite heavy. Fair weather starts from October and it prevails unill March. This time will be best season to visit.
Sunadban is the only forest where you can find mangrove scrub forest, Some of the more commonly found plants and trees are Genwa, Dhundal, Passur, Garjan, Kankra and Goran.Fauna:
More than 270 tigers are founded in cencused and most of the tigers found in the Sundarbans area are man-eaters. The Sundarban’s tigers are called “Royal Bengal Tiger” and they have adapted themselves very well in the saline and aqua Near By environment. Some of the more popular birds found in this region are - Open Billed Storks, White Ibis, Water Hens,Golden Plovers, Pintails, White Eyed Pochards and Whistling Teals etc. In this National Park we can find some of the fish and amphibians which are Saw Fish, Butter Fish, Electric Rays,Dolphins, Skipping Frogs etc.